To get started call us at 805-357-0067 or request an appointment online below.

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Our Neuroimaging Program

Our team of Neuroradiologists are all fellowship trained and board-certified. Neuroimaging is performed on the most current, state-of-the-art equipment utilizing high-end advanced imaging techniques. Specialized imaging protocols are utilized for various neurologic indications including brain tumors, seizures, multiple sclerosis, dementia, traumatic brain injury, and cranial nerve imaging.

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Our Neuroradiologists

Our Radiologists have the experience and knowledge base required to provide an accurate and relevant Neuro report that answers clinical questions

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Types of Neuroimaging

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a special diagnostic imaging study that produces very clear, detailed images of the brain and spinal cord. The advantage of MRI is it is higher resolution than CT and does not utilize any radiation. Other types of imaging involve CT, FDG Brain PET/CT and Amyloid PET.

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Artificial Intelligence Applications in Neuroimaging

Post-processing AI software applied to an MRI of the brain improves early detection of dementia by calculating the volume of brain structures and comparing to a normative database to determine if atrophy is statistically significant for age.

RadNet Implementation of AI in Neuroradiology


Available 24 x 7 x 365!

Use our patient portal to schedule many types of exams. Choose an appointment time that’s convenient for you.

Currently accepting online appointments for:

  • MRI
  • CT (without contrast)
  • DEXA (bone density)
  • Mammography
    (Screening, Diagnostic, 3D-TOMO)
  • Ultrasound (non-OB)
  • X-Ray


Give us a call and we'll help schedule your appointment and answer your questions.


Monday–Friday 8am – 6pm
Saturday and Sunday - Closed