14 April, 2020
We Are Relocating to New State-of-the-Art Office at 106 East 61st Street

We are pleased to announce on Monday, March 30th, Medical Imaging of Manhattan will be relocating all services to our brand new, state-of-the-art imaging center located at 106 East 61st Street (61st & Park Ave.).
At our new office, you will receive the same, high-level of dedicated, personalized care you’ve always received from our team, but with expanded capabilities and the newest generation of diagnostic imaging technology.
Our services will now include:
Newest 3D Mammography State-of-the-art
Bone Densitometry
Breast MRI on brand new 3.0T Wide-Open Bore MRI System
We appreciate your continued support during this exciting transition. As always, please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding your care.
14 April, 2020