15 October, 2019

We are Taking an Evolutionary Step in Adaptive 3T MRI Technology at Bethesda Imaging Center

Bethesda Imaging Center 3T

Patients have individual characteristics, unique physiologies and varying anatomies that can create imaging challenges. At Bethesda Imaging Center, our new 3T Wide-Open MRI unit features Biomatrix Technology that assists our technologists by overcoming these obstacles and bringing high quality imaging, consistent results and patient comfort.

Biomatrix Technology’s features include: 

  • Biomatrix Sensors provide patient respiration data prior to scanning which reduces repeat scans and improves image quality.

  • Biomatrix Tuners automatically adjust to each patient's body, allowing for accurate results every time. 

  • Biomatrix Interfaces simplify patient handling and accelerate workflow, increasing quality of care and patient comfort. 

To schedule your MRI appointment, please call 888-601-0943 or visit https:/ today! 

15 October, 2019