Put the Power of Artificial Intelligence Behind Your Mammogram!

At Lenox Hill Radiology (LHR), we are transforming breast cancer detection with a revolutionary offering called Enhanced Breast Cancer Detection (EBCD). EBCD is the only solution of its kind—a package of breast care tools that work in concert to optimize your annual breast cancer screening exam. If you want greater confidence in your results, schedule your screening mammogram appointment today and enroll in EBCD!
Why Should you Choose EBCD for Your Breast Care?
One in eight women will develop cancer in her lifetime. It is crucial to detect the disease early, when treatment options are most optimal.
EBCD uses Saige-Dx, artificial intelligence technology powered by DeepHealth, to deliver a more accurate mammogram.
Saige-Dx helps improve the overall cancer detection rate as evidenced in a recent clinical study.
No additional radiation or time during your visit is required; you safely gain the benefit of state-of-the-art screening.
EBCD delivers more personalized results with a comprehensive risk assessment. Your own medical history becomes an integral part of your healthcare, as it should be.
LHR's extensive network of locations include our partners at AdvantageCare Physicians (ACPNY) and service Queens, Manhattan, Bronx, Brooklyn, Staten Island, and Long Island.With our ACPNY partnership, these patients gain access to a network of locations! We offer a range of radiology exams such as MRI, CT, Musculoskeletal Ultrasound, Nuclear Medicine, 3D Mammography, Ultrasound, and more! Request your appointment for an enhanced mammogram experience!
Appointment Request Form
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