RadNet Connect Provider Portal
Connect, our provider portal, gives our referring physicians convenient and quick access to patient study results. Connect provides secure access to your patients’ reports and images and real-time updates on exam status. Reports and images are available to you as soon as they are signed.
An Overview of Connect
Connect allows you to see all your patients’ studies and quickly access reports and images.

Benefits of Choosing RadNet Connect Provider Portal:
Delivers access to reports and images quickly and effortlessly for you and your staff, with “real time” information.
Provides secure access to these reports and images from any computer, at any location—without the need for additional hardware, software and viewer plug-ins and without infringing IT firewalls or security policies.
Increases patient satisfaction by reducing the time they wait for results.
Reduces your overhead costs.
Streamlines the workflow of your front office (and increases staff satisfaction).
Eliminates lost films and reports, re-faxing and courier expenses.
Provides secure HIPAA-compliant access to patient information.
Saves time, hassle and the innumerable inefficiencies inherent in paper and film.
Download Connect Collateral:
- Connect Portal Sign Up Sheet
- Connect Portal Overview Guide
- Connect Portal Online Ordering Guide
- eRAD Web Viewer Gide
- eRAD Full Viewer Guide