Prostate Imaging Image

Prostate imaging centers on three major health problems of the prostate gland: cancer, benign enlargement, and inflammation (the cause of most urinary tract infections). Radiology plays an important role in diagnosing and treating these problems.

Some Prostate Imaging Procedures Include:

Prostate Ultrasound

Ultrasound is a non-invasive procedure that uses sound waves to image the structure and movement of the body’s internal organs, as well as blood flowing through blood vessels, in real-time. The prostate gland and surrounding tissue are examined by the insertion of an ultrasound probe into the patient’s rectum. There are no harmful effects, and it gives a clearer picture of soft tissues than X-ray images.

Scrotum Ultrasound

Ultrasound imaging of the scrotum uses sound waves to produce an image of a man’s testicles and the surrounding tissue. It is primarily used to help evaluate disorders of the testicles, and scrotum. Ultrasound does not use ionizing radiation.