
One in eight men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer.¹ Because early detection signficantly improves treatment options and outcomes, RadNet has developed a next-generation prostate screening solution that delivers accuracy and greater patient comfort. 

Enhanced Prostate MRI is much more sensitive than the standard PSA blood test typically used for screening.² AI-enabled, Enhanced Prostate MRI creates detailed images of the prostate gland and surrounding tissue.

The exam is non-invasive, pain-free, and requires no radiation. The scan time for Enhanced Prostate MRI is only 10 minutes, and patients are not required to fast beforehand. 

These features deliver outstanding reporting quality and speed, and a faster and more accurate diagnosis through the quick identification of abnormalities. Enhanced Prostate MRI is available at select RadNet centers. Results are available within 36 hours, so clinicians can make informed decisions when they count. 

If you meet the following criteria, then Enhanced Prostate MRI may be right for you:

  • You are a man aged 45 or older. 

  • You have had no previous prostate biopsy or prostate cancer diagnosis. 

  • You do not have a PSA score, or your PSA score is less than 4. (A PSA score is not required for the exam.)

​¹ American Cancer Society
² https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamaoncology/article-abstract/2817308


Men need to learn how to fight like women. Through advocacy and education women have become empowered to improve the way breast cancer is provided. Men are 20 years behind. Medicine's ability to accurately screen, stage, and treat prostate cancer has never been better, and men can demand innovative care such as Enhanced Prostate MRI .

Robert Princenthal, M.D.
Director of RadNet's Prostate Program

Edward Steiner, M.D.

Enhanced Prostate MRI is next-generation screening. MRI now plays an increasingly important role in prostate cancer detection and diagnosis, and RadNet's AI technology is proving invaluable for optimal patient outcomes.

Want to learn more?


To learn more about RadNet’s AI-enabled Enhanced Prostate MRI, click here.