We are aware of the report regarding Crowdstrike. Please rest assure that this does not affect RadNet or any of our imaging centers. All Imaging Centers are open and we look forward to seeing you at your appointment.


Breast Disease Management


34% reduction in breast cancer death rates in the U.S. since 1990.


Approximately 41,760 American women died of breast cancer in 2019.**

All-Encompassing Care

At Breastlink, our centers for breast disease management, we coordinate allied professionals—radiologists, oncologists, plastic surgeons, nutritionists, researchers, psychotherapists and others—for a multi-disciplinary treatment plan for each patient. That includes the highest quality imaging available, using advanced modalities like tomosynthesis and breast MRI, plus state-of-the-art information on diagnosis and treatment, including the latest advances from clinical trials.


Prostate Health


Roughly 99% of men survive five years or more after a prostate cancer diagnosis.


Almost 35,000 American men will die of prostate cancer this year.*

Detection is Key

And it doesn’t have to be invasive. 3T MRI helps detect prostate disease with much more accurate visualization of tumor nodes than biopsy. Another first-line treatment is TULSA Procedure, which is performed with no radiation and no incision. Diseased tissue is ablated while surrounding structures are protected. The men's health experts at RadNet centers of excellence have the skills to perform and interpret prostate MRI, and RadNet is one of the few practices in the entire country to offer TULSA Procedure to its patients.

*From the American Cancer Society.
** From the American Cancer Society’s Breast Cancer Facts & Figures 2019-20.