We are aware of the report regarding Crowdstrike. Please rest assure that this does not affect RadNet or any of our imaging centers. All Imaging Centers are open and we look forward to seeing you at your appointment.


A National Profile

RadNet is recognized as the highest quality imaging provider in the communities we serve, from Florida to California. We are able to drive efficiency across our entire network. A national profile enables us to deliver clear referrer guidance, patient education, and consistent results.


  • Reimbursement Models

    We build reimbursement models with payors that incorporate efficient contract and payment mechanisms.

  • National Base

    RadNet is the largest provider of outpatient imaging in the country, with a national network equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and the modalities needed to render an accurate diagnosis.

  • Geo-Access

    We create strategic alignments even beyond our national base of imaging centers. Quality and cost stay consistent while interacting through one provider.

Cost Containment

  • Referral Guidance

    We know how to move referrals from costly hospital outpatient settings to cost-effective, free-standing outpatient imaging centers.

  • Referrer Education

    As part of our commitment to managing costs, we educate referring providers regarding medical necessity and appropriateness criteria. RadNet promotes evidence-based medicine to improve quality and patient safety, which impacts long- and short-term costs.

  • Utilization Management

    Board-certified and licensed clinicians review nearly 300,000 cases annually for medical necessity and appropriateness according to accepted guidelines.


  • National Standards

    We leverage our expertise across more than 290 imaging centers in our national network. We benchmark key activities to develop best practices, which are quickly disseminated for continual performance improvement and consistent results.

  • QA

    RadNet drives results through our Quality Assurance and Compliance Program, which aims for high performance against government standards, quality control measures, and focused quality improvement studies.

  • Center Productivity

    We conduct extensive productivity, quality, and financial reporting in all RadNet centers, benchmarking a single site against other facilities in our network.

Learn more about our payor initiatives.


Contact us to learn about RadNet results.

Charlie Shaw SVP Healthcare Network Strategy & Business Development
Eastern Operations


Terri Herrick SVP Contracting & Network Strategy
West Coast Operations