The American College of Radiology (ACR) refers to this type of program as Image Wisely®. RadNet also follows ACR recommendations to Image Gently®. Our pediatric exam protocols have also been designed to reduce the radiation dose to infants and children to the lowest exposures possible.

RadNet centers adhere to the Image Wisely and Image Gently guidelines, and we also take these measures to keep radiation exposure to a minimum:
- We work with your doctor to make sure your test is necessary and appropriate. If we have any questions about a procedure your doctor ordered, we may call him or her, and, when appropriate, we may suggest a way to get good test results with less radiation.
- Our centers are equipped with a full range of radiation protective devices in the form of lead shielding for use by our employees, patients, and caregivers or parents of children that might also be inside the exam room during an exposure. Examples include full body shields, half body shields, thyroid shields, syringe shields, and leaded glass barriers.
- We carefully adjust the amount of radiation to make it optimal for your weight and age, and we have special software that adjusts the dose to match the thickness of each section that is imaged on a CT scan.
- We use special breast shields for children and pre-menopausal women when doing a chest X-ray, to prevent radiation to the breast area.
- We use special shields for your eyes and your thyroid when applicable, to prevent radiation to these parts of the body.
- RadNet employees receive Radiation Safety Training on an annual basis and wear personnel monitoring devices to ensure their exposure remains within safe levels.
As a result, all of our centers are accredited for both pediatric and adult procedures by the American College of Radiology (ACR), a national organization that sets the standards for medical radiation procedures in the U.S.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to ask one of our team members during your visit, or call us.
RadNet & Repeat Rates
RadNet centers conduct quarterly assessments of repeat exams in our X-ray and Mammography Departments. We track the reason why any image was repeated and provide follow-up and/or training in situations where the repeat rate exceeds a pre-determined threshold.
An image might need to be repeated due to patient motion, an artifact on the image, or the need to reposition the patient for a better view of an organ or abnormality.
Mammography Repeat Rates
The FDA Mammography Quality Standards Act requires a repeat rate below 2%. RadNet's is much lower.
X-ray Repeat Rates
The FDA X-Ray Requirement is for less than 5% of images taken. RadNet's repeat rate is much lower.