Maryland Radiologic Technologists:
Partnering for Progress
What a positive sign of what is to come! It's clear that we will be able to make effective changes in the field of radiologic technology, given the level of leadership that was displayed at our summit. A resounding thank you to everyone who attended and contributed their expertise.
Our work is not done. The entire mission of this summit was to collaborate on actionable strategies for the future. This site will serve as a base for us all to stay informed.
What's Next
There are actions we can take, collectively and as individual effort, to expand possibilities in our field. Consider these ideas:
- Join the Advisory Committee (link below). The committee will meet in early November, and it's not too late to be a part of this strategic work.
- Promote our profession everywhere you can! We have so many great untold stories, just waiting for an audience that is ready for a fulfilling career. A great link to share is ASRT's Be Seen campaign (click here). This can help people understand more about radiologic technology as a profession.
- Review the presentations from last week at this link.
- The November Advisory Committee meeting details (where and when), and all subsequent updates and notes, will be posted on this page. Check back often to see how we're progressing on our shared goal.

Thank you again for your dedication to quality healthcare in Maryland. Stay tuned for more positive change!

Questions? Contact Kim.Bathurst@radnet.com or 443.436.1223.
Volunteer to be on our Advisory Board, which will help drive change in our field.